Mr. Alessio Dionisi Press conference, the first presentation
Mr. Dionisi, here his introduction
I am very happy to have accepted. There is the drive of the entire CFG and the working group, began Mr. Dionisi!
I sense the passion from the first days, I can’t wait to get started. Let’s get the ball rolling.
Not easy, but I took a step back to take three steps forward, I accepted with great enthusiasm.
Marriages are made in two, not only with the signing of a contract but with the will.
Every day we will work to improve, we start from an excellent base.
The push from the square is very important, I don’t feel a burden but a stimulus.
It may seem like a step backwards, I had an experience in Serie A, for me, it’s wanting to take three steps forward.
We must accept who we are today, knowing that there will be difficulties.
I’m here and I can’t wait.
In my opinion, some good has been done, not only in the results, we must continue, and we want to improve.
Will we live up to expectations? That is the hope, we know where we are starting from and we have quite clear ideas.
The will must be univocal.
I’m finally in a passionate place like Palermo. There is no ‘my’ football, but an identity.
Anyway, I don’t think it’s simpler or more difficult here, I think I have to adapt to the environment.
We will develop the maximum. My goal is to have an identity, which does not mean always winning.
The past…
The square has a lot of desire: there is passion, not pressure.
I have a passion for football, so I’m finally taking advantage of an opportunity that I didn’t have.
Very happy to represent these unique colors.
Sassuolo’s dismissal?
It’s an experience, in the first year I was exempted and even before coming here, it’s part of the job, and we have to accept it.
It’s the past now, it’s part of my baggage, continued Dionisi.
Diktat is a strong term, availability comes first, I’m not making anything up.
I will ask for reasons, we have quite clear ideas, but it takes time.
Let’s start from a quality base, there are and will be difficulties.
Serie B is more balanced than Serie A, we must work to always be united.
Game system? We will start again from certainties, this is the only way to get the best.
We will try to start one way and end the same way.
Likewise, we must be effective based on the moments.
Furthermore, we won’t play with three at the back, we’ll see about the rest.
The Staff
The staff? We’ll talk about it later during the retreat.
I heard from all the players, I wanted to introduce myself and convey what I would like from them.
Phone calls have value, words have value, but then the field counts. I wanted to listen to understand where to start again.
Besides, I wanted more to convey who I am.
Likewise, I have an idea about all the boys in the squad. The valorization will be of all the players, not just the young ones.
The goal is to have as much competition as possible in the workforce.
We will try to bring out the best in everyone, we will have to prove it.
The gaming system? We have one certainty, which is the four-man defense; we won’t change from game to game.
The attacking midfielder? We haven’t talked about this, we already have good players between the lines.
I trained Stulac, he is one of the players I spoke to on the phone and I encouraged him because he could do more, he is aware of it.
Furthermore, I want to see the players on the pitch, I have to put them in the best conditions to get excited.
The goal is to raise the level of the entire workforce. Stulac must demonstrate that he has a spirit of revenge.
It’s my first experience in the South, I’m happy and curious. There will be difficulties and I want to measure myself against that too.
Mr. Dionisi continues…
My family is happy, they will live here too. Meeting with Ancelotti? It’s educational to see others, it’s an experience that I carry with me.
Brunori’s words after Venice? I can’t answer, I read and talked to the guy. Intentions are always positive, passion is positive.
There is only one direction, I don’t see any other way to move towards an objective, which is to improve what has been done.
The base is good, we have to start again from the positive things. The sports center doesn’t give you results, but it is beautiful and is a flagship.
We want to continue to grow, it is right that there are expectations, but together we will improve.
Likewise, I am very involved and I feel the visceral love. We have to be balanced.
I know well that working in Palermo is fantastic. I gave great availability, the category is not important.
The word ‘project’ here is credible, then you need results. We need to take a further step.
What’s more, I have the numbers very clear. I accepted because there is room for improvement.
Not only that, but I had a great time in all places. Expectations and experiences do it, I hope to be the synthesis of the experiences I have gained.
Finally, We want to create an identity, we want to improve, but it takes time.