Palermo F.C. Sports Center in Torretta – The project.
Now it’s official: for the first time in 120 years of history, Palermo will have its own Sports Center in Torretta. A home where we can cultivate and enhance our talents, where to welcome and pamper our players, where to work in freedom, finally in full autonomy, where over time we can build the pillars of a strong, solid company, regardless of any property. It’s only the beginning.
Palermo FC 2021/22 Season
Palermo F.C. Sports Center in Torretta – The Official Communication.
The project for the New Palermo Sports Center can finally begin. The Municipality of Torretta, having also collected the latest external opinions from all the institutional subjects concerned, through the conference of services specifically set up in recent months, has approved the permission to build the new “home” of Palermo in the area already optioned, adjacent to the municipal field.
On April 27, the definitive project of the new sports center of Palermo was officially registered with the Municipality of Torretta, in compliance with the regulatory requirements and in accordance with the indications taken by Coni and the Istituto del Credito Sportivo. Today, thanks to the intense collaboration between all the parties involved in the procedure, the green light for the construction of the system has therefore been officially filed.
In the first phase, next to the municipal field already managed by Palermo FC and whose restoration works by the Municipality of Torretta are in full swing, two other regulation playgrounds will be built, one in synthetic and one in natural grass.
Close to the three fields, a new large structure will include the gym with state-of-the-art equipment, changing rooms for the first team and the Primavera, conference room, and other technical spaces useful for carrying out sports activities. The manor house already presents in the area, thanks to a conservative restoration, will instead become the new clubhouse of Palermo, with relaxation rooms and comfortable spaces, as well as a fully equipped restaurant for the team group meals.
And then there is also a large parking area for buses and private vehicles, padel fields also open to the public and large expanses of olive trees and local vegetation. The last step to definitively start the works is the activation of the credit and guarantee lines by the Istituto del Credito Sportivo and Iris, involved from the beginning in the realization of the project, on which a team has been working for over a year.
Completely Palermo-based of architects, engineers, and geologists, as well as a long list of professionals and collaborators who have made it possible with their work and their skills to achieve this first objective.
“To all of them, to the prefect of Palermo Giuseppe Forlani, to the prefectural commission of the Municipality of Torretta, and to the entire municipal technical office coordinated by the architect Musarra, special thanks go to,” said President Dario Mirri.
“It’s every fan’s dream that really comes true. The Palermo FC Sports Center is a decisive asset for the future of our Palermo and will be a guarantee of business continuity and also of sporting successes based on solid and lasting foundations. Maybe we will soon see young people from Palermo making their mark with our jersey on, thanks to a place dedicated to cultivating talents. An investment that translates into greater corporate solidity by reinforcing its real estate component, but also, in turn, in a better performance of the team, in terms of sports ”.
Fans will soon be involved in choosing the name of the new “casa rosanero”, through a survey on the digital channels of Palermo. But it will also be possible to actively participate in the real estate investment: a share of the share capital raised to finance the work will be accessible to popular shareholdings, starting with the Amici Rosanero Association, which already in 2019 entered the company by collecting a sum intended for its own at the birth of the Sports Center.
Palermo F.C. Sports Center in Torretta – The Video